I strive to be a good help meet to Steve and good mother to my 18 children. We have been blessed with children both by birth and adoption. Our adopted children have all come with some challenges and as such our life is not easy but God never promised it would be. We hope to be sanctified daily. We are passionate about education that gives people of all ages a love of learning. We are also passionate about good food, food the way God intended it to be eaten and as such are working at establishing our sustainable farm to provide for ourselves and our community.


Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Two more finished and two interviewing

Two more of my children finished and passed their Martin Luther assignment and I believe they feel pretty good about the fact that they decided to do it in the first place and in the second followed through.

In addition, I took two children to interview with Job Corps yesterday. This a program that helps struggling youth and adults to finish their education, achieve their GED, get a drivers license and learn a career path. Children with Reactive Attachment Disorder and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome don't take instruction from their parents very well (in an effort to push the parents away they ignore them and many times refuse to learn to their own detriment). These two children are unfortunately reaping the consequences of this when they were younger and realize that if they want to be functioning members of the community they need to catch up and get going. It looks like this program will help them but it does have some rough elements - mainly some of the folks that go there. We have found one campus that is 12 minutes from a church affiliated with our church and so if accepted they will attend that campus to continue with their education and in addition can worship with accountability. Job Corps has a zero tolerance policy for drugs, alcohol and fighting so it will be tough for one child in particular (he is prone to fighting) so I have explained to him that if he wants it bad enough he will self govern and walk away. He has begun talking of marriage one day and I also explained that no father worth his salt is going to give their daughter to a know it all - hot head so now is the time to turn it around and make himself worthy of a young lady's hand. I pray he takes the words to heart - we will see...

We haven't heard lately from one of our daughters who returned to her biological family family about a month ago. Within ten days of returning she was doing drugs, abusing alcohol and who knows what else. I have tried to keep in touch with her to check on her and to gently convince her of her wrong doing but now cant get in touch with her at all. We honestly fear for her safety and health in that environment but we know that God is in control.

Speaking of that, I have been struggling with being angry and overwhelmed these past few days regarding Steve's possible deployment, mainly because I don't see how I can accomplish everything that is supposed to get done plus deal with all of the behavior problems that are going to occur if we get word that he is going. We have one child who rages daily, this will worsen. Others manifest stress by defiance, breaking things, stealing, hurting themselves, defecating everywhere - top this with a brand new move and yikes... I have been praying continually about this deployment as have many around us and I had to again realize yesterday that God is not going to test us with what He won't give us strength to handle and that if Steve deploys it will be for a purpose, a purpose that ultimately blesses us. So, today is a new day and we will press on...:-)

We do appreciate the prayers from all who are doing so and hope to be able to return the blessing someday. Thank you..:-)

1 comment:

  1. I am praying for y'all! I will pray that you will be able to minister to her and that she will stay safe!
