I strive to be a good help meet to Steve and good mother to my 18 children. We have been blessed with children both by birth and adoption. Our adopted children have all come with some challenges and as such our life is not easy but God never promised it would be. We hope to be sanctified daily. We are passionate about education that gives people of all ages a love of learning. We are also passionate about good food, food the way God intended it to be eaten and as such are working at establishing our sustainable farm to provide for ourselves and our community.


Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

Monday, April 26, 2010

Spring Cleaning Conference and Feminine Modesty

I cannot rave enough about the Spring Cleaning Parenting Conference Steve and I attended this past weekend - "Faithful and Unafraid - Parenting for the Future" by Douglas and Nancy Wilson.  It really was excellent and CD sets will be available in the future from Canon Press Audio.

While we were there, we picked up a CD set from the book table called "Feminine Modesty" also by Douglas Wilson.  We have listened to three of the four CDs in the set and wow is it powerful.  Modesty in our culture and especially in the church is an issue that grieves me greatly but its so hard to address.  In our own home we have high standards that we externally control, even if the heart of our girls are not in line, for the simple fact that we do not want to cause our Christian brothers to stumble.  Further, how our girls dress (and our boys as well)  is a reflection on Steve and his leadership in the family.  For children we have not had from the beginning but are rather trying to teach right things later in life this can be challenging as the government school indoctrination of "I must dress to be accepted and cool even if I look like a hooker or moron" is hard to overcome.  We train in right principles and have faith in God for the internalization.

Here is a link for the CD set : Feminine Modesty CD set

Finally, a link to  three book companies I really like and a conference I am praying the money will be provided for me to attend - check them out!!

Monergism books

Crown Rights Book Company

Lamplighter Publishing

Baby Conference

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