I strive to be a good help meet to Steve and good mother to my 18 children. We have been blessed with children both by birth and adoption. Our adopted children have all come with some challenges and as such our life is not easy but God never promised it would be. We hope to be sanctified daily. We are passionate about education that gives people of all ages a love of learning. We are also passionate about good food, food the way God intended it to be eaten and as such are working at establishing our sustainable farm to provide for ourselves and our community.


Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

Monday, October 4, 2010


Our first granddaughter was born last night, Karissa Danielle Maus to our oldest adopted son Daniel and his girlfriend. Karissa weighed 7 lbs and is 20 inches long- Baby, Mama and Daddy are doing well and we hope to have pictures soon. We would appreciate prayers as they realize the awesome gift God has given them and that they will pursue a right relationship with God and each other in order to raise this child in a godly manner.

Thank you...:-)


  1. Much love and prayers to you and that baby girl! (which I am sure is beautiful...I love babies!)

  2. Congratulations on the granddaughter, we'll be praying for her and her parents.
