I strive to be a good help meet to Steve and good mother to my 18 children. We have been blessed with children both by birth and adoption. Our adopted children have all come with some challenges and as such our life is not easy but God never promised it would be. We hope to be sanctified daily. We are passionate about education that gives people of all ages a love of learning. We are also passionate about good food, food the way God intended it to be eaten and as such are working at establishing our sustainable farm to provide for ourselves and our community.


Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

Sunday, June 27, 2010

A great way to grown squash...apparently

One of the good things about raising pigs is that no food goes to waste (other than our leftover pork which we do not feed to our pigs). Last year we bought lots of squash from a local farm here and of course, scooped out the seeds and stringy stuff and put it in the pig dish for them to eat. Much of this occurred while the pigs were just starting out in their winter pen. At the beginning of Spring, we took down that pen, moved them to fresh ground and either raked up or out all of the manure.

Yesterday, my 11 year old son came in excitedly, telling me he needed to show me something by the old pig pen. You probably guessed it by now, but there are probably 100+ squash plants of different varieties growing now where that old pig pen was. We are hoping we will be here long enough to reap some of the harvest, but if not, it will be a great experiment to watch it continue over the growing season to see how it does.

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