I strive to be a good help meet to Steve and good mother to my 18 children. We have been blessed with children both by birth and adoption. Our adopted children have all come with some challenges and as such our life is not easy but God never promised it would be. We hope to be sanctified daily. We are passionate about education that gives people of all ages a love of learning. We are also passionate about good food, food the way God intended it to be eaten and as such are working at establishing our sustainable farm to provide for ourselves and our community.


Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Thomas Jefferson Education For Teens

I completed reading the book Thomas Jefferson Education For Teens yesterday.  I did not like the book as well as the other Tjed books but it has some good lists of books and motivations for those in the teen years.  I did get some good reading suggestions for me out of it, mainly "Our Home" by C.E. Sargent and "The Fourth Turning" by Strauss and Howe.  Neither of these books are in our library system so I will try to find them used.  Right now during my study time I am reading, "The 5000 Year Leap" by Skousen, "How to Read A Book" by Mortimer Adler, "The Coming Aristocracy" by Oliver Demille and "Madame Bovary" by Flaubert (I think that is the author's last name, the book isnt right in front of me at the moment.)


  1. Hi I've never heard of those I will have to look them up!

  2. The 5000 Year Leap I've been told is good. Thanks for reminding me about it! lol I need to check our library. Hope you have a great day...Happy reading!
